Tuesday, April 29, 2008


They gamble with their colourful boxes.
And,the hyenas,deep in the jungle,fill the night air with their shrill cries.
the world,and all the people preserve their sanity for something futile.
Without the demons,the princess loses her way.
And,we,sit beside the old,old tree
With our arms around each other.
The quiet,upside-down moments pass by.
the balderdash entices.
And,the old,old tree smiles back.

the moments are really special.too special to share.too precious.so,i keep them locked inside..and keep my fingers and toes crossed.am delightfully,wonderfully,astonishingly,gloriously blissful.

as for certain people,who do not have the balls to come up to me and say what they really want to,go screw yourselves,please.abominable,pretentious gits.Go get a life.

1 comment:

Ritayan said...

paradox...a lot of welled up anger getting an outlet in a piece titled peace...true to your style...seemingly gibberish starts to make sense once you stop and read it through again...bt as always being the "critic" that i am and "cynic" as some call me...i would love to see a bit more restraint and discipline in your work 'coz i believe in your potential to say these same things in a manner that can be appealing to all