Friday, October 24, 2008

today,after ages,i am having a lovely,homey time.Despite the sore throat and the persistent toothache.No one's at home.Cooked chicken and had a happy,full lunch.Smoked in peace.Had a long comfortable bath..without no one screaming:"Are you sleeping in the loo?" =)
Listening to Susheela Raman.That woman is amazing,i tell you.
After the last few hectic weeks of the shoot,it feels fantastic..
Now,I shall go and watch Scanner Darkly and eat chocopie.
Cheers to me and lazymaking.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The mellow sunshine is charming...i really like the i lean out of my envelops me in a warm embrace..
To think that a year ago I din't know that there was someone like you in this world..=)
I want to bottle your smell and store it inside an ancient cupboard.
" And I do believe it's true that there are roads left in both of our shoes,But If the Silence
takes you there,I hope it takes me too.
So brown eyes I hold you near,cause you are the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere.."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Am sipping a cup of citrus tea and nursing a deliciously sad blue feeling. -sigh-
The last few days were magnificent..that being an understatement.
Am rather devoid of words right now..
Am feeling restless and sad.the streets are so empty....
Shubho bijoya everyone.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

all that.

yes,this cold is killing the cityair reeks of pujo and everything good.And,i am hopeless about certain The Beatles,midnight,and the missing them terribly,'s been almost a year that i haven't breathed in the fresh,tingly air..or walked those narrow,quiet,steep roads..i wish i could just wake up one morning,pack my bags and leave..
and i walk around swathed in green..past the roads which screech out your name,past the shadows above and below,
it's THEN..when the importance of being NORMAL hits you.
I've had enough of multiple people speaking inside my head.
Don't you realise..I wear your words as an armour and place them side by side on my flattened they turn into poetry..full of indefinite lines.
I've had enough of mornings.
Don't you realise i want you to belong to me a brazen,brilliant desert wind..
and i've had enough of uncertain centuries,dramatising,and journals.
and i have infinite things to tell you today and,
dreamless cities..toothless aches..