Monday, October 22, 2007


I have writer's block.I am absolutely,disgustingly unable to write anything. Dunno how.It's as if the words have become rock-stubborn,pulling back the harder I try to extricate them.The canvas is entirely blank.Are they rebelling?

The festive days are over.Last month was a flurry of events and mundaneity as usual.basically was bekar except for the days when i finally became tired of lazing around and struggled with the term paper on medieval ENglish Romance:quite enjoyed the exploits of the knights and Sir Arthur.Don't mistake me for a nerd though.Shopped.bought cute socks and was delighted with myself for no reason.anticipated the five days.made a lot of weird plans which actually didn't work out.Fell in love with Bertie again(!),quietly.Evaded the poetry eees inevitable but.Autumn skies lured.Grew restless by the and Ish sat on the ledge for 80 minutes and sang.over-ate too.HAd terrible moodswings.Fought like a psychotic.I have a very understanding guy who makes me impatient sometimes.The unpredictable weather brought out the snappyness in me.thingsathome-front getting worse.I depreciated myself and I know I am right in doing worse than what I think myself to be.

An amazing day it was the day she arrived in all her glory.Blue skies,and the typical torn bits of clouds.Her eyes glowing,and tilottoma all adorned.Huge ads beside the pandals and the spirit of the restless Rizwanur lurking somewhere near the Todi residence to catch a glimpse of Priyanka.

The six days of endless joy.Of making plans.Of less of pandalhopping,more of standing in the midst of Golpark and making insane conversation.And hogging like hell.Furtive phonecalls at night.Buying old newspapers for five bucks and squatting down for hours interviewing the poor guys on their"weird"interests.hehe.of suddenly staring into space and getting depressed.of again being snappy.Of counting everything before they are conceived and crying.

Missed bhashan.the next few days of utmost laziness.And staying over for weeks at Shreo's and never getting tired of each other.[though we often pretended so.]the photos taken at the Park Street cemetery.Learning how to make wacky things wackier.And bitching at the unearthly[for others]hour of 3:00 A.M!!My kittens have grown up.they are the most adorable creatures on planet.VB's birthday was mindblowing.And the cakes were amazing.though poor D was punched and bruised because I realised that the guys were feeding the poor me generously with a nice innocentlooking piece of cake which was lying on the floor.eww.Sruggling with French.Sameersir is brilliant and he makes us laugh so much that we end up learning something at least.I always screw up my verbs though.taking a break from mushiness.and planning to study which never happens.

There's a nip of winter in the air.The days are getting shorter and am often shivering with people laughing at me.I bunked the photoshoot today.not feeling very well.And I vow I shall write...i just have to.Colours.And black and white melt into each other.I have to pull myself up from the sludge.

And.Yay.My house got painted.I like the smell of fresh paint.My room's blue.I like most the exhaust fan in the little loo of mine.that's such a vibrant shade of blue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

write on.....choi.....write on....