Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Babble.Babble.Fi fO fum!

Jumble.You Mumble.We tremble.3 nd a 1/2 masterpieces have been created.OH.Fuck.HOw Can we deny your existence?Yeah Right as if You are "pwitty*"heheheheh.
Shakespeare created wondrous ambiguity.We cannot.Period.
(If you are thinking am insane you are fucksolutely right!!)

Don't get US wrong[though wE are always wrongly wrong or rightly wrong]No heartbreakin business.Just useless shit which slumbering can help dwindle.

3 A.M in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jeez woman...get OVER shakespeare.
don't u have enough of it in college??? it's one of the reasons for ur depression.......
nice work by the way, a little nutty but hey...WAT THE HELL