Monday, July 4, 2011


I don’t know what to make of you.
So new, so alien, yet beautiful

I was falling, swaying with the wind,
I was walking backwards, compelled
To rethink, rearrange, walk into a wall

I wasn’t prepared, in all honesty.

Naked to the bones,
I held my head and moulded it constantly.

I don’t know what happened when
We started running,
Like strange children on a rainy day,
Splashing on puddles, holding hands,
Lisping stories, making faces

I am glad. I am learning to read your face.
Learning something new, something delicious everyday

I pinch myself every morning.
Trace my footsteps back, looking in vain at empty corners

I don’t know what to do about that either.

So much love I float
So much love I laugh
So much love I wonder

How did we stumble upon each other? 


bubba said...


I love the header image. So spunkay!X)

The poem made me feel so good. The quality of branding it has, I'm branded with a buzz in my head and i smile like a clown today.

SubduedDesires said...

i really like this poem