Friday, May 9, 2008


oh,well,the days are again playing tricky games with me.though for once I like them;).
I reeely reeely need to slog hard,but as the eggjam thingy approaches,I start developing interest in every other thing..apart from Restoration Prose and Drama or *groan*Pride and Prejudice.
My bad hair days shall never end.Now it refuses to grow in the direction it should..well.
And yes,do you expect me to study,of all things,now??
People seem strange when you don't know them well,nah?
And yes,I think too much.
These little things bother me,but dunnowhy.
And,I prepared dinner yesterday.after a long time.and was singing at the top of my voice while doing so,and smiling,causing mum to go berserk with curiosity.

1 comment:

Prince K. said...

That happens. Very normal, I might say.

I develop interests in video games' programming language before physics exams. It happens. :P