Pain turned out to be like that elusive
Gossamer wing of the butterfly.
As he woke up.blinded by rage
Muddle asked him to be still.
I wore my best that day-
and rained over him.
Clouds came inside the cemented walls,
With pincers.
Night turned into a banshee.
My ears absurdly jigged around,
Trying to find some meaning
Out of the Charade.
Rapunzel's long plait
Was wound around my back.
Each part vehementlyopposedtosanity.
Wondrous wonder.Grave Grief.
Black Darkness.
Blind Faith-
The Mark is there to stay.
Did I crave for this?
The struggle,the "little pleasures"
My foray into Madness.
Have been crying for centuries..now.
Paint me black.
Free me from the charred honesty.
Lock me inside yourself.
And plead with my bawling soul.
This Guilt will not let me live.
Tainted love;
has to be saved.
Won't you cover up the stripped fairy
very interesting...dreary,morbid,the stuff that poets are all hooked to!
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