I keep forgetting how much I put you through, and hey never say I didn't warn you. I came with enough issues to last an year in Iceland. And I lose my sanity to nightmares and nothing's ever enough. I wish some calming white substance, a recurring theme, would come to my rescue right about now - this afternoon that the trees noisily declare SPRING and it's an assault to my wrecked senses. I can see your brown eyes becoming sadder with every passing day and I want you to be happy. I wish I could extract some teeth instead in this lost world and hang it around my neck like a trophy. There there, I tell myself, everything will be fine, doesn't it always happen that way? How else would you want it, the world on a platter? So what if tonight I can't sleep and the bile reaches the roof of my tongue and all the thoughts and voice are an incoherent mess, lapping against each other like possessed twins. I have to accept and inhabit this atomic space provided to me in this world and not make sense at all.
Ah sigh. You write about unexplainable emotions so well.
You've got a Sylvia Plath thing going on about your writing :)
@storyteller: I just wish I don't put my head inside a gas oven. Hehe. And shit, i should start writing happy. Thanks for the visit yo! Keep coming.
No, no I meant in an entirely good way. :)Not the depressing thing and all.
No, no I meant in an entirely good way. :)Not the depressing thing and all.
@storyteller: Haha, yes I know, of course, was just kidding. :p
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