Wednesday, December 18, 2013

wolf at the door

There's been a lot of conversations about the days when the sun leaves our skies. We settle ourselves in an imaginary womb-like state hoping that we feel good about something, anything. We don't want help, we refuse your well-pleaded, well-tried efforts. We are in a black room which grows smaller and smaller till we are the same size as it is. Yes, we fit now. A snug little bleak room. We embrace it. The light hurts our eyes. We need a hand, but we can't ask for help, because you might raise your eyebrows, pucker your lips, look at the ceiling, smile, blame us, shrug and say - oh come on, we all have problems.

We certainly don't enjoy it, and we hope you can sit with us in silence in our rooms with no sun.



little boxes said...

feels like the bell jar.

Arijita said...

It is.

Puff said...

You should write a book someday..

Arijita said...

@Puff: That was a lovely thing to say, Rai. Thank you :) And you too woman, keep writing.