Thursday, December 9, 2010

I understand nothing about anything anymore. Reading Calvino this strange, damp winter morning something inside me broke. 

"What do you mean? Everything's in its place. All is as it should be. Everything is a result of something else. Everything fits in with everything else. We can't see anything absurd or wrong!"

And yes, i am still standing here, quite lost.  different people at different parts of the day, at different parts of the city, in different groups. 

I can scream myself hoarse but if I don't comprehend the state of the mind, I can't blame you. Maybe I am self-absorbed, but aren't we all, aren't you? I apologize for making it miserable and I don't. You'll say it's from too much pot. No, i can dissociate. I should let you go, because we are too young to do this. Or maybe, not equipped enough. 

Maybe the inside of my head is not peaceful. Maybe people are fighting battles over trivial things like a statement. The world's gone wrong, so can we can we can we?

from where i stand now, things look tilted, things look oddly misplaced.

I haven't been nice this year.  Or so a voice tells me. And you, I have wanted to delve inside your twisted little head- you're so hard to figure, y'know?

1 comment:

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Let him/her/it go, get your head back. Priority. :)