Sunday, December 20, 2009

I want to be atop a bus, and feel the air whipping across my face, and look at the sky, and hug my knees.
I want a tattoo, and I want to bear the pain. I want SLEEP. I want to be THIN. I want nice hair. I am DEPRESSED. i fucken hate this post. I DON"T want this post. IT's typically emo and rant-y- and that is not even a word. I want Moll. I HATE so many people it's not funny. I hate that pesky neighbour staring at me every night as I smoke, I hate those hypocrites all over the world, i hate that woman because she is such a control freak, and i even hate YOUR mentality because damn you life is bizarre AND IT DOES NOT WORK OUT THE WAY IT DOES INSIDE YOUR STUPID STUPID HEAD. And yes, I smoke up! You have a problem you little sissy mama's girl?

-stamps feet-

tantrum over.


Aditya said...

*pat on the head*


Anonymous said...

whoa!!!!!!.....its ok baba.....*love love*

La Figlia Che Piange said...

Let's burn something down, cmon cmon.

Choi said...

@ Spin: I wish we could. :(

Anonymous said...

om shiva!

Chhee you smoke up you fallen woman!!

*archetypal bokhe jawa meye* I love you.

Hari om!