Monday, November 2, 2009

I want an insane amount of things and it's only human. Just realised after short, telephonic conversation with friend that term-paper can be submitted day after. Intense joy. Woke up at 3 A.M yesterday to puke, and spent whole day pining for chocopie as the area around my navel throbbed with pain. Tea without milk is blessed. Wallrush happened to be "bigger and badder" as quoted on social networking site by someone i don't know. Hoping Bun keeps her promise and I get to choose whatever I want.

Pining for carnal activity and a few hours with ST in solitude. Only the wretched wolf-like ugly grandma gets in the way. Mean, yes, and right now absolute refusal to be the proverbial "nice girl"

Went out in pitch darkness to buy cigarettes, and happily enough met no curious evening-walking neighbourly face. Only the light from borrowed cellphone, a little-eaten moon in the sky and the regular cries of crickets kept me company.

Time to light another cigarette and visit the loo.

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