Feeling so helpless.Had two huge slices of bread with loadsa cheese.I adore cheese..its sooo cheesy!*huh- amazingly expressed!*Dunno,if only there were no fetters tied to my feet i would have been by his side *not metaphysically* when he needs me soo much.And that 6feet lanky monster..thinks of noone but himself..ass!Life's not SUCh a horrible place also!And i cannot tell such a thing has happened to R also..as it is he's so upset.But i badly wanted to share.Dunno what is happening all around:people are so sick of themselves it's sickening.I miss you puchkuish..
oi 6 foot lanky monster ta ki aami????
really upset aren't u...do not worry life's tough, we jst have to be tougher and with ppl like u arnd we will all pull thru don't worry
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