Friday, July 12, 2013

A journal of epiphanies & other things

I think it's nice to be free, to change the way things used to be. 

It's strange how life comes back and hits you hard on the face. It constantly reminds you that yep, sometimes you can be invincible. 

Your ideals somehow never existed, as it's supposed to be. It's surprising how calm it feels inside. 

Maybe this is happiness - roam free, no expectations, detached. 

I miss my cats. But they are good. They are happy. That's all that matters. I can go on now. Move forward. Nothing to go back to. 


you make me buzz. 

I like this buzz. 


We are the children of a non-revolution. 
We are glimpsed at and people wonder at our placid fights.
Flip quarters, you might just understand. 
We strive to put our thoughts in place and then strive to find the right way to express them. 
We are new everyday.
Peeling off layers of the unnecessary.
We are the lost children.  


He told me we would travel. 
Far and beyond these few lanes, where the whisper of the trees are overtly familiar.
I believed him.
I dreamt because I believed even if I didn't want to.  

Liberation comes from a thought; strange how liberation comes from no thoughts as well.
