The morning begun on a sad note..with me spilling coffee all over the table.However,mum ignored my blasphemous act by not screaming at me.I was bundled off happily to one of my best-friend-aunt's place..and she greeted me by telling me I look like a dope-addict and a
nongra an afterthought she hugged me and told me I look like a New York ka bhikhari..dunno what she tried to imply..but she also told me she loved me all the same.thankgoodnessforthat.heh.we rushed upstairs and had a long,long chat..after a really long time..and I was glad to find she was still as mad and as cool as ever..she told me about the latest developments..mesho's berserkness,dada's "bride-hunting" thingy..i could write a novel on's ludicrous and hilarious..mashi sighed melodramatically..
" Why doesn't he fall in love?"..well,poor dada!:D she declared her headache was gone with all my blabbering and we cooked together,not stopping the
adda even for a moment..and then,after lunch,Pakhidi who has come down from Delhi,called.. and in her characteristic way commanded that we three just had to go for a movie,and catch up..
It started to rain..and mashi's place is like a dream when it's raining..I was having a quiet moment with myself, and she quoted smilingly..but thankfully didn't ask me any question.=) the rickshawwallah was pedalling slowly,and we felt so happy and nice,with the cobweb-like-drizzle and the drawing-of-lines across puddles..and the dreamy rainyness of it all. Pakhidi is still the cute,little dawling and after exulting for a few moments we realised that we were fifteen minutes late for the film..well,Chalo Let's Go made us all long for the hills's a nice film..but the narrative is rather jerky.maybe that was intentional.. was fun.we had
koraishotir kochuri and coffee after the film..and had intense adda..the conversation naturally veered towards
berate jaoa which is not happening,sadly enough.What with the situation in NorthBengal and the busy schedule of Pakhidi,Saswatidi and me..we planned though..maybe a two-day trip during December..the four of us..and with the sharing of memories, snippets of philosophical speculations, laughter and poetry.. three hours passed so and Pakhidi sneaked out once and had a little chat about things which even mashi can't know..
These little,warm evenings mean such a lot..the cosiness,the conversation,the unspoken bond,stories,updates,leg-pulling and plans..and observations..and it's so cool to have such a coolcrazy aunt,I tell you.:)