Tuesday, December 4, 2007

" Is there no way out of the mind?"-Sylvia Plath


Far away
i lived

With two blossoms for peace.

Running in joy;blowing bubbles,
growing coy.

Pranced the afternoons with Olga Polga,
Floated with the noise.

Sense made no sense.

And I raced on the snails,played with the words.
Sprinkled water on him and turned him into Rain.

I stared.
He stared.
Everyone stared.
The world Stared.
Dirty stairways stared.
the Skin stared.
The days do pass.I wonder.procrastinate.look back.I do not cry.

People all around exist.On a significant other planet.The World shimmers before my eyes and I quite stubbornly refuse to associate.I do not feel the intense sickening pain.This ennui startles me.All the introspection in reality does no good.I play out sequences in my head.Two or three people conversing.laughing.arguing.They walk away.The new side of the world is distinctly novel.different.

I shall stop writing.

I wish I could flee from this blankness.
I am feeling extremely irritated.With everything surrounding me.Encompassing me.My semesters are looming ominously before my eyes.And I do not feel like slogging at all.The drive in me is lost.And I really feel people who think too much about themselves and of themselves will end up nowwhere.With no sunshine.

The film studies project is complete at long last.And it was brilliant.I felt so happy.Our own work.

I am tired.